/blogs/mindful-moments/video-of-trader-joes-employees-singing-and-dancing-to-stop-toddler-tantrum-goes-viral Video Of Trader Joe's Employees Singing And Dancing To Stop Toddler Ta – Generation Mindful

Video Of Trader Joe's Employees Singing And Dancing To Stop Toddler Tantrum Goes Viral

emotional intelligence  member highlight 

By Ashley Patek

Video Of Trader Joe's Employees Singing And Dancing To Stop Toddler Tantrum Goes Viral
When this toddler had a meltdown at checkout, these Winter Park, Florida Trader Joe's employees jumped into action with an impromptu dance party, singing, "We love you Ju". 
Mama, Alexandra Seba, shares, "My baby Julian was having a tantrum because he wanted to push the big kid shopping cart. Tori (a TJ's employee) started singing and a couple other workers chimed in to calm down Julian. Moms need to shop somewhere where the staff is kind to their kids and engages them, from giving them animal crackers to helping moms when their baby throws a full-blown tantrum." 
When we move away from shame-based tactics, realizing that our children's tantrums are a healthy outlet for emotions, we teach our children that it is safe to feel. And they can (and will) feel anywhere, even the checkout line of a grocery store. 
The empathetic lifeline thrown to this mama and her son was a game-changer. A mood-changer. A behavior-changer. A heart-changer. 
We need more of this. 


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