/pages/positive-discipline Using Positive Discipline: Generation Mindful

Using Positive Discipline

Welcome! In this video we will teach you...
  • how to calm the chaos, and manage tantrums and meltdowns
  • the science behind connection based discipline 
  • playful strategies for nurturing social and emotional skills in kids 


We also have a free set of printables to inspire mindful living in your home or classroom. 

This two page illustrated printable asks, "How do I want to feel at the end of the day?", a powerful question to pause and consider with your children every morning to inspire mindful living.


Ready for more mindful, playful parenting tips? Start our self-paced Positive Parenting Online Course today.

Online Positive Parenting Course with Suzanne Tucker

We founded this social mission-driven company with a single mission: to raise an emotionally healthy world. 

We are a community of +1 million parents, educators and therapists from 90+ countries and growing, nurturing emotional intelligence through play and positive discipline.

Thank you for making it safe for kids to feel, one heart, one home, one community at a time.

xo Suzanne, Founder and CEO, Generation Mindful