/blogs/mindful-moments/school-program-uses-peacemakers-to-aide-social-emotional-skill-building School Program Uses PeaceMakers to Aide Social-Emotional Skill Buildin – Generation Mindful

School Program Uses PeaceMakers to Aide Social-Emotional Skill Building

classroom management  emotional intelligence  member highlight  mindfulness 

By Alex Petrou

A seven-year-old child pulls the "I am kind" PeaceMakers card as part of his one-on-one in school yoga session, and then, asked if he believes this about himself, he shares simply... 


The therapist running the program then asks him, "Do you think you might ever feel this way?" He pauses and replies...

"Maybe. I hope so. I think yoga and meditation help with that, though.” 

A heartfelt, tentative expression of hope. A revelation of what the breath, movement, and sharing one's thoughts with someone who feels safe can do.

School Program Uses PeaceMakers to Aide Social-Emotional Skill Building

We are so grateful for the powerful Fit Abilities Yoga program in the Ferguson MO School District and the empowering ways they are working with Generation Mindful's PeaceMakers mantra cards.

PeaceMakers mantra cards

PeaceMakers are not statements that children are “supposed” to believe. They are empowering affirmations that lead to self-reflection, awareness, and conversation. The positive affirmations open us up and invite us to share ourselves with someone else. And when a card takes us to a place inside where we feel stopped, we don't have to do or fix anything. We can simply hold still in that place just a little bit longer. 

These are openings and the conversations we want to be having with children. And with ourselves.


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1 comment

  • Elizabeth Babson

    Love this teaching.

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