/blogs/mindful-moments/mistakes-help-me-learn-and-grow Mistakes Help Me Learn and Grow – Generation Mindful

Mistakes Help Me Learn and Grow

emotional intelligence  feelings friday  mindfulness  positive parenting 

By Alex Petrou

Feelings Friday #4: Mistakes help me learn and grow

Today we are taking this beauty into our hearts and home! Join us and in just about 10 minutes each week we 1) work with our mantra of the week 2) explore the reality verse illusion behind these words and 3) share about how we might take these words more practically and playfully into our everyday lives.

I'd love to hear about the "mistake" you worked with during the initial exercise and if anything shifts for you as you work with your mantra. Thanks all, rock on and have an AWESOME Friday. 


Founder, Generation Mindful


Generation Mindful creates tools, toys, and programs that nurture emotional intelligence through play and positive discipline. Join us and receive joy in your inbox each week.

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