/blogs/mindful-moments/tagged/emotional-intelligence Mindful Moments Blog – Tagged "emotional intelligence" – Page 23 – Generation Mindful

Make Connection a Habit

emotional intelligence

Two Men and a Tantruming Toddler

Kids can break into full-on tantrums at the drop of a hat, and nearly every parent has been where actor Justin Baldoni found himself on Father's Day. How can we release fear of judgement and be with our tantruming toddler during their time of need?

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An open letter to you, my toddler: "I get It."

I get it. I get all of it. The screams, the tears, the tantrums. Your bottom lip drops and your eyes brim with emotions. Sometimes you even turn away from me. That one rips my heart in two. Then the sun will peek through and the smiles will come...

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Spanking Children Is Still Common and Still Harmful

Research has shown the long-term effects of spanking on a child's mental, emotional, sexual and behavioral outcomes. And the impact of these negative childhood experiences can directly influence and run the narrative of our adulthood. Read more. 

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Juggling Big Emotions

As a seven-year-old girl, I remember my grandpa coming over for the holidays and juggling whatever fruit he could find in our kitchen. He taught me to juggle using not lemons, but just three tissues. The fruit was too big for my little-girl hands, but like a set of training...

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What Two Young Boys Taught Their Grandma About Anger

I gave SnuggleBuddies to my grandsons while they were visiting for Christmas to help them learn about feelings, but what happened next surprised me.   You see, that Christmas morning, we had a situation, one that caused my dog to get very, very sick. My dog had gotten into some chocolate candy. ...

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Calming Spaces for Muggles, Wizards and Eight-Year-Old Girls Alike

Wisdom. Emotional intelligence. Maturity. These words typically conjure up the image of someone older than you. Perhaps it’s someone you know and revere for their persistent nature and kind soul. That person for me is Elizabeth: an 8-year-old I’ve only just met. Older than me? Not by a long shot....

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