/blogs/mindful-moments/tagged/break-shame-cycles Mindful Moments Blog – Tagged "Break Shame Cycles" – Generation Mindful

Make Connection a Habit

Break Shame Cycles

How To Reduce Your Child's Exposure To Shame

Shame eats away at a child’s core emotional need to feel loved and connected, leaving them feeling small, unworthy, flawed, and unacceptable. As we learn to heal our shame wounds, we give our children chances for a healthy and happy emotional life. Here are 3 shame-free discipline tactics. 

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I Messed Up. Have I Messed Up My Kids?

You know you are a parent if you have ever questioned your qualifications for the job. You may be asking yourself, How do I know I am not messing up my children every time I pitfall into conditioned habits? Whatever your wounding patterns are, these tips can help you embrace your...

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If It All Feels Heavy Today, Read This

There are millions of beautiful moments in parenting and also, sometimes, it feels hard. If you’re finding yourself in a heavy season today, or if you are having trouble recognizing yourself, here are 5 pieces of encouragement. 

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5 Powerful Phrases To Say To Children That Boost Brain Development

Our words have the power to build up our children, nurture and guide them. They also have the power to cripple, shrink, and wound. It is these 5 phrases, spoken by well-intended parents, that tend to miss the mark on paving pathways for self-discipline and emotional regulation. Here's what to say...

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Why Being A Perfect Parent Is Too Much

In the face of her daughter's meltdowns, this mama strived to be perfect by suppressing her own emotions. What she learned is that abandoning herself was a trauma response to her own childhood, and that what she and her daughter both needed was this ...

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