/blogs/mindful-moments/tagged/brain-development Mindful Moments Blog – Tagged "Brain Development" – Generation Mindful

Make Connection a Habit

Brain Development

What To Do When Positive Parenting Isn't Working

Sometimes parents say that positive parenting “isn’t working” for them, and when that is the case, it’s important to explore why before giving up. Here are some reasons why and 5 things to do when you feel like positive parenting isn't working for your family. 

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Safe Adults Don’t Ask Kids To Keep Secrets

When children learn that secrets are a normal part of a parent-child relationship, the little white lies can stack into something more serious and dangerous. In fact, they can be a key ingredient to abuse. Here's what to do instead. 

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When Your Child Says "I Hate You!"

When your child says “I hate you!” you might find yourself getting defensive or you may feel the urge to assert control over the situation. The key to getting to the root of the challenge is to look beyond the hurtful words to figure out what’s going on for them emotionally. What...

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5 False Toddler Myths

Toddlerhood is a precious time. We do our kids and ourselves a great injustice by assigning negative intent to their developmentally normal behaviors. Instead of going to war, let’s spend these quickly-passing years seeking to understand our little ones and rewrite the narrative on common myths.

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