/pages/play-is-learning-atmdst-stage Is Learning Through Play Effective? – Generation Mindful

Is Learning Through Play Effective?

Is learning through play effective?

Want to nurture emotional intelligence in children?

The answer is play. 

"Play prepares young brains for life."
-Dr. Sergio Pellis, University of Lethbridge
It's true! Research shows that play helps to stir up neuron activity in the front end of the brain—that’s the part that plays a critical role in regulating emotions, making plans and solving problems. Play builds social brains that know how to interact with others in positive ways.1
That’s why “Playing to Learn” is at the forefront of our six-element approach helping children (even the strong-willed ones!) build their social and emotional skills.
1 Hamilton, J. (2014, August 6). Scientists Say Child’s Play Helps Build a Better Brain. Retreived from https://www.npr.org


Putting the science of play into action.

While we often use play to teach the ABCs and 123s, we rarely think to use it in the moments when our children are experiencing heightened emotions, where positive discipline and connecting with children playfully can make a big difference in the way they process feelings.

We created the PeaceMakers mindfulness card game and the Time-In ToolKit to help children understand their emotions, talk about their feelings, and practice calming strategies, growing their emotional intelligence.

Enroll in Positive Parenting 101.

If you are new to positive discipline, you are not in it alone! Our six-week online course will teach you how to connect playfully with your children while setting and maintain firm, respectful and consistent boundaries, and more.

Start your more joyful, less stressful parenting journey right now, with a free introduction to positive parenting with Generation Mindful founder, Suzanne Tucker.



Ready for more? Start taking the Positive Parenting Online Course today.

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