/pages/kidzxplorsave KIDZXPLOR PERK (SAVE $40) – Generation Mindful


For parents who want to raise powerful, compassionate & self-expressed kids. (Birth to age 5) 

In this transformative, six-part online video class series you will:

  • Learn how to discipline children free from yelling, shame, blame or pain.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your personal parenting “triggers” and how to manage them.
  • Learn simple, effective and playful ways to connect with and redirection even the most strong-willed of children.
  • Practice setting and maintaining firm, respectful and consistent boundaries. 
  • Put an end to power struggling and sibling rivalry before it begins.
  • Learn punishment free, easy to use tools for more joy and less stress in family life.

The video series is packed full of practical and empowering tools you can start using day one. It will support not only your parenting, but each and every relationship you have in your life.

This class is 100% guaranteed to bring you joy or your money back.

Join today! Pay a one-time fee of just $89 (normally $129 value) and receive a FREE Lifetime Positive Parenting Online Forum Membership, including:

  • Immediate access to all six class videos PLUS the 20+ page printable workbook, full of helpful handouts and exercises to build self awareness.
  • A BONUS 12-point Mindful Parenting Checklist to print and hang wherever you need extra support to parent calmly, from your center.
  • FREE, lifetime access to all six video replays, including the licensing permission to share the video series with one person of your choice (including your spouse, parents, in-laws or a child-care provider.)
  • FREE, exclusive invitation to join hundreds of other like-minded parents in our private, online positive parenting group, with NO future annual fee. Administered by Suzanne Tucker, this private, members only group is a safe, nurturing place to find encouragement and support 24/7. There you will receive ongoing support from hundreds of fellow class graduates committed to peaceful parenting; parents who understand the challenge is real, and that life is more fun when you're holding hands.

    What people are saying.

    “This class changed my life.” – Lindsey Reed

    “My husband and I realized that everything we learned in this class is relevant to our marriage as well. So helpful.” – Mendy and Clint Koerkenmeier

    “5 out of 5! My favorite part was learning how my childhood shapes my parenting. So helpful. Especially as I give up yelling.” -Bob


    “Suzanne just gets it on a whole other level. She is a true empath. You will leave feeling both understood and empowered.” -Andrea Rocha

    “I’m going to retake this class AGAIN next month it was that helpful, and next time I’m watching the videos with my husband!” -Sari Rotskoff

    “This class has changed my parenting so much. My daughter and I have a better relationship because of it. Not that it was bad before, it’s just a lot better now and has saved me lots of headaches!” – Ashlee Russ

    “I feel MUCH more empowered to be a good mom.” – Carrie Burnett

    “We’ve gone from having regular battles to being best buds with our two year old.” – Cathy and Steve

    “One of my favorite things about this class was hearing the questions, struggles, breakthroughs and stories shared by other parents. The feeling that I'm not alone and that we’re all in this together. You can’t get that from a book.” -Jennifer

    “The best part for me was getting on the same page as my husband. We were coming from very different places. It is so much calmer in our house.” – Anna

    “We were really in a rut. This was just what I needed.” – Dani


     Email Instructor Suzanne Tucker directly if you have any questions by emailing: info@GenMindful.com, Subject Line: Online Parenting Course. Thank you!