/pages/give-back How We Give Back – Generation Mindful

How We Give Back

helping people feel powerful
Helping people feel powerful, safe, and connected, that we might raise an emotionally healthy world. This is our mission, and you make it all possible:
  1. Join our community + shop.
  2. We support our non-profit partners through our giveback program, where we donate 5% of profits back to families and schools in need of social and emotional learning tools and programming.
  3. Together we help more children feel powerful, safe and connected. Together we raise an emotionally healthy world.

Join us on Instagram and Facebook where we share about the science of mindful, playful connection along with practical tips about teaching children about emotions. 

generation mindful helping

Subscribe and we'll send you monthly tools to help you nurture social and emotional skills in yourself and children. Thank you!

#WeAreGenM #LivingInTheLittleMoments

Non-Profit Partners: 

helping hand me downs