/collections/flexify-collection-all-products/products/positive-parenting-coach Parent Coaching Support Services – Generation Mindful

Connected Parent Coaching Program

$ 2,800.00 USD

This is discipline that works! Learn how to connect playfully with your children while setting and maintaining firm, respectful and consistent boundaries, free from punishment, shame, and pain.

What if you could feel confident and proud of your parenting just 12 weeks from now? 

This program is me in your pocket, and you, learning parenting that works.

In a 12-week private coaching program, you will learn the parenting skills you need to decrease stress in your home and get on the same page as your kids without yelling or using punishments, rewards, or shame.  

Our founder, PT, Parent Educator, and mom of four, Suzanne Tucker, will work with your family to help you: 

  • Calm the chaos of your day-to-day family life
  • Identify the big emotions, and unmet needs driving the challenging behaviors you are seeing
  • Set boundaries like a boss
  • Add structure and predictability to make transition times easier
  • Implement daily, practical strategies that build social and emotional skills in yourself and your children
  • Drop the parenting guilt and shame once and for all

This intensive 3-month private coaching program is for couples or individual caregivers who are ready to:

  • Tame your triggers
  • Transform the limiting beliefs you are carrying from childhood that lead to disconnection and stress
  • Regulate your emotions and calm your nervous system even when your kids are defiant, whining, melting down, or otherwise dysregulated
  • Get on the same page as your parenting partner, with clear communication, mutual goals, and respect for one another's unique approach to parenting
  • Tune in and trust your parenting intuition in the midst of everyday life
  • Teach and model these healthy life skills to your child, raising them inside an emotionally intelligent family and home, with the mindset and social and emotional skills necessary to meet the stress of daily life with resilience and a grateful heart.


In 12 weeks you will learn the skills you need to feel confident in your ability to parent in ways that nurture your children, giving them the life skills they need to:

  • authentically know and love themselves
  • accept and learn from their mistakes
  • identify, regulate, and express their emotions
  • navigate conflict and relationships with skill
  • live (and lead) with integrity and high emotional intelligence (self-awareness, awareness of others, self-care, and social skills)
  • grow up feeling safe, seen, and a deep sense of belonging


Book your consult today and we will see if we are a fit. Your more joyful, less stressful parenting journey begins today.

In this 20-minute consult, PT, Parent Educator, and Fouder of Generation Mindful®, Suzanne Tucker and you will review your family history, challenges, and goals for joining our 12-week private coaching program.

If we determine our Connected Parent Coaching Program fits your family's unique needs, we will schedule your 90-minute intake session.



Founder and CEO of Generation Mindful, Suzanne is a mom of 4 who has been a physical therapist and parent educator for over 27 years. While teaching positive discipline classes in the 2000's, and in her own life, Suzanne saw a need for tangible, simple, and easy ways to help caregivers replace punitive, outdated childrearing methods that seek to control rather than connect with kids. It has become Suzanne's life purpose to help children and families feel less shame and disconnection, and more confidence and connection.


  • 90-minute Intake and Goal Setting Call
  • Weekly Private Coaching Calls (Month One)
  • Bi-Weekly Private Coaching Calls (Months Two and Three)
  • 24/7 Text and email support (12 Weeks) 
  • Weekly Group Reparenting Coaching Calls (12 Weeks)
  • Monthly Group Parenting Coaching Calls (Months One, Two, and Three)
  • LAUNCH BONUS: One Year Reparent Yourself Membership ($198) FREE


You will be invited to join our monthly group parenting coaching call on the last Wednesday of every month, 10 AM CST as long as you are actively receiving regular 1-on-1 parent coaching support services, and weekly Reparenting Coaching Calls every Friday, 10 AM CST for an entire year (52 weeks).

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